Ferrets can be very expensive pets to own, and are prone to many health issues. It is important to be fully prepared for any situation financially before bringing your ferret home.
Start Up Cost (estimates):
- Cage: $100-200
- Bedding: Varies, average about $30-100 for one bedding set
- Litter: $10-30
- Litter Box: $15
- Water and Food Dishes: $10-20
- Toys: Varies
- Food: $50+ (varies)
- Basic Supplies (nail clippers, emergency kit, etc): varies, est about $20-50
It is also recommended to bring any new pet in for an initial health check by your veterinarian which should include an ear mite screen (very common in new ferrets), vaccines if you choose to vaccinate, and possibly a fecal test to check for ECE or parasites before introducing your new ferret into your household. This can range anywhere from $50-70 (exam only) to over $100.
TOTAL: $235-$465 Startup Costs
(plus the cost of the ferret)
Regular Expenses (estimates – will vary widely by region):
- Food: Varies by region and diet, but on average you should budget a minimum of $30-40 per month per ferret
- Litter: $30-50 per ferret a year (varies)
- Vet fees:
- Annual checkup: $50-70
- Blood work (every 1-2 years): $90-150
- Deslorelin (DES) implant (read more on Adrenal Disease): $200 yearly for preventive, every 6 months for treatment PLUS the cost of sedation if your vet uses it (~$50) PLUS the cost of the visit ($50-70)
- IF you choose to vaccinate you must also include:
- Rabies Vaccine: $25-30
- Distemper Vaccine: $25-30
It is recommended that for EVERY FERRET you should try to have at least $1000 in savings at all times.
Ferrets are very prone to unexpected diseases, accidents, blockages, and more. It is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that you have an EMERGENCY SAVINGS fund for your ferrets. You never know what will happen with these little guys